Det er inspirerende å se engasjementet i arbeidet med FNs bærekraftsmål hos de folkevalgte i europeiske kommuner og regioner.

Gunn Marit Helgesen, styreleder i KS

Localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals

Lenkeblokk Icon Localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals

I mars samlet Europarådets Kommunalkongress seg til årets vårsesjon. På agendaen sto fremleggelsen av en rapport om lokal innsats i arbeidet med FNs bærekraftsmål. Styreleder i KS, Gunn Marit Helgesen la fram rapporten sammen med Xavier Cadoret fra Frankrike.

Rapporten inneholder en beskrivelse av kongressens arbeid med FNs bærekraftsmål og tydelige anbefalinger til nasjonale myndigheter om å styrke innsatsen og sikre involvering av lokale og regionale myndigheter.

Den norske delegasjonen ved Arne Bergsvåg la frem seks endringsforslag som styrker ordlyden og gjør rapporten enda mer handlingsorientert. Forslagene bygger på KS’ erfaringer fra arbeidet med kartlegging og rapportering til FN i 2021. 

Lenkeblokk Icon Voluntary Subnational Review – Norway

De norske endringsforslagene fremhevet betydningen av godt rapporteringssamarbeid på tvers av forvaltingsnivåene, betydningen av å involvere lokale og regionale myndigheter i det nasjonale strategiarbeidet for bærekraftsmålene, behovet for systematisk arbeid for å identifisere og håndtere målkonflikter, viktigheten av å styrke barn og unges stemme i arbeidet, og behovet for innovasjon og eksperimentering for å finne nye løsninger på bærekraftsutfordringene.

Endringsforslagene ble vedtatt med overveldende flertall, og rapporten fra Kommunalkongressen vil nå bli anbefalinger til nasjonale myndigheter i de 46 medlemslandene.

Rapportens anbefalinger til nasjonale myndigheter:

Localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals

1. In 2023, the United Nations will hold its annual High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) in July 2023
and the SDG Summit in September 2023 in New York. The latter will mark the mid-point of the
implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

2. As two-thirds of the SDG targets can only be implemented at local or regional level, localisation
of SDGs is an urgent priority. The SDG Summit must give a new momentum to this process.

3. In this respect, as an assembly of local and regional authorities with a leading role for
localisation of SDGs, the Congress is convinced that:
a. multi-level governance is key to achieving the SDGs; it is a shared responsibility of all levels of government and requires constant dialogue and consultation with all local actors, such as municipalities and regions, their national associations, the private sector and civil society; and
b. citizens must always remain at the heart of the action.

4. Considering the abovementioned, the Congress calls on national governments to:
a. accelerate the process of localisation of SDGs and give local and regional authorities proper autonomy for action and decision making, which includes proper competencies and the financial and budgetary autonomy required to achieve the goals in their respective areas;
b. involve local and regional authorities in the design, development and implementation of National SDG Action Plans;
c. encourage local and regional authorities and their national associations to conduct Voluntary Local Reviews and/or Voluntary Sub-national Reviews; Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) should build on such reporting processes;
d. encourage sharing and learning across levels of government, as well as emphasizing
experimentation and innovation to find better solutions to common challenges;
e. pursue a coherent approach to SDG implementation and limit negative effects, by identifying critical interdependencies between action areas;
f. amplify the political voices of local and regional authorities to raise awareness about the SDGs, enabling their participation in relevant international forums, such as the UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, HLPF and the SDG Summit;
g. increase involvement of youth in decision making and all the activities that lead to the achievement of SDGs; and
h. build stronger partnerships with all local actors, including civil society and the private sector, in order to implement the Agenda 2030.

5. The Congress is ready to continue its involvement in the work of the Council of Europe, its member States, its Committee of Ministers and its other institutional actors, by sharing its knowledge of local and regional authorities and the tools at its disposal and promoting implementation of SDGs.

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