With the report, KS hopes to contribute useful information and expand the toolbox for the work with the SDGs. In recent years, there has been a clear global agreement that the sustainability goals cannot be met without local efforts. Networks and exchange of experiences across national borders and between the Nordic countries can provide new inspiration and new approaches for local sustainability work.

The report “Localising the Sustainable Development Goals in Europe: Perspectives for the North” is available in English, with a summary in Norwegian. The report can be downloaded here.

In the first part, the report summarizes the Nordic co-operation on Agenda 2030 and other sustainability measures. The second part focuses on the role of the Nordic associations of local and regional governments, and is a summary of the main ongoing activities, coordination, and capacity building work associated with the Sustainable Development Goals. The third part is an overview of institutions, networks and related projects at the EU level and in Europe in general that are relevant for Norwegian municipalities and local actors. Through the EEA agreement, EU policy is of great importance for sustainability work here at home. The sum of information obtained positions Norwegian measures in a European context.

Nordregio is a leading Nordic and European research centre for regional development and planning, established by the Nordic Council of Ministers.

KS has received support for the development of the report from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the grant scheme for information on European and Nordic co-operation.