​KS is Norway’s largest public employer organisation; raises political awareness on collective member matters, and is a developing partner for members. KS has a main office in Oslo, regional offices across Norway, and an international office in Brussels.

KS as an employer organisation

KS is Norway’s largest public employer organisation. All municipalities and county councils (with the exception of Oslo) have authorised KS to negotiate and enter agreements with employee organisations on salaries and other conditions.

KS is a key negotiating partner in workplace matters and ensures that the members individually do not have to negotiate with more than 40 employee organisations. In total, KS covers about 440,000 employees in over 100 different professional groups. This relationship between the members and KS is regulated through separate statutes.

41 employee organisations are parties of the Main Tariff Agreement, which are represented by four negotiating associations. KS’ Executive Board designs a mandate for the central negotiations.

In 1988, KS gained status as superior tariff part and employer organisation, but KS has negotiated collective agreements for the municipal sector since 1946.

KS as a political influencer

KS strives to ensure that all local governments influence how Norway develops good local communities that meet the citizens’ needs. KS lobbies for good structures, conditions and greater local freedom of action for our members. The aim is that local governments become better societal developers and service providers. KS works every day to strengthen local democracy and limit central government detail management.

KS devotes considerable resources on research and documentation about- and for the sector. For example in areas such as municipal economy, wage development, climate improvements, working environment, upbringing and care. This expertise provides support for our thematic policy work.

KS ensures that the Norwegian parliament, its committees and ministries comprehend the local government sectors conditions and needs. KS has regular political meetings with the government several times a year. The themes for the meetings are municipal economy, municipal services and framework conditions for the sector. KS’ regional work hear, coordinate and anchor matters among members, and ensures that necessary support and strength is passed on to central authorities and the public debate.

KS' development work

The development work is based on local governments needs and includes topics such as community development, innovation, quality development in services, efficiency improvement, employer growth, and development of our local democracies.

The local government sector faces complex challenges. Some challenges relate to general development and social traits, others are more specific to the sector. Demographic changes, increasing digitisation, changes in citizens' expectations and restructuring of the sector, represent some of the key challenges.

KS’ development work is strongly influenced by matters that origin in EU and EEA policies. KS’ Brussels office has multiple offers and broad expertise within these matters. The office is responsible for collaboration with European sister organisations and other international member organisations. Norwegian local governments also participate in a number of international programmes.

A large part of KS’ development work is organised as networks and meeting places where members with equal challenges share experiences and knowledge. KS is also the secretariat for various clusters for political and administrative leaders. In addition, KS coordinates councillors’ committees and the municipal sectors ethics committee. These environments are often utilised as advisors in the development work.

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