Job size and salary

In 2018, Norwegian local governments had a total of 476,300 employees. Of these, 76 percent were women. The average job size for women and men was 80 and respectively 83 percent. 53 percent of employees worked full time. The figures for women and men respectively were 49 and 67 per cent. Temporary employees performed 6 percent of the Full time equivalents (FTEs) FTEs in local governments.

Salaries per year (including fixed and variable supplements) for employees in local governments were NOK 518,500 as of 1.12.2018. Women's share of men's wages increased from 92 to 94 percent from 2008 to 2018.

Sectors, age and education

Health / nursing / care and education were the largest sectors with 44 and 32 per cent of the employees respectively. 10 and 7 per cent of the employees worked in day care and administration respectively. Employees under the age of 30 and over 59 performed 14 and 12 per cent of the FTEs in municipalities and county municipalities respectively. The 40- to 49-year age group performed 27 percent of the FTEs.

Employees with a lower or higher degree of university and college education performed 55 percent of the FTEs in municipalities and county municipalities. Employees with lower-level or unknown education performed the rest of the FTEs.

The average age for women and men was 44.7 and 45.0 years, respectively.

Sick leave and turnover

In 2018, the total sick leave was 7.2 and 9.8 percent in county municipalities and municipalities respectively. Sick leave for women in municipalities and counties was the same at 9.1 percent. Men's sick leave was 10.7 and 5.8 percent respectively.

Turnover is defined as the proportion of employees who were employed in one local government as of 1.12.2017, but that was not as of 1.12.2018. Turnover for women and men overall was 12 per cent, divided between 12 per cent for women and 13 per cent for men. The technical sector and the central administration were the two sectors with the lowest turnover, 8 and 9 per cent respectively. On the contrary, we find after-school (15 per cent) and children's homes (14 per cent).